Explore how God can work through you.

This year, CMT has been focusing on God's invitation for us to be active participants in His work in the world. The theme "Bring the Good News," emphasizes the importance of sharing the gospel in whatever circumstance we are in. We are challenged by God to carry the good news of the Lord, as we go.

What is Global Impact Fest?

GIF is a 3 day conference put on by Crown College's Campus Mobilization Team. The goal of CMT and of GIF is to encourage students to engage with God's work locally and around the world, and to consider what their role might be in serving His kingdom. This is accomplished through events and programming that highlight service, learning, and the celebration of cultures and people around the world.


  • Serve

  • Learn

  • Experience


To allow students to fully participate in Global Impact Fest events, classes are not meeting on Wednesday, February 26th. Classes will resume on Thursday - Friday as normal. Thursday will be an adjusted schedule to allow for the morning chapel.


    GIF Chapels will include worship and keynote speaker that invites us to learn and experience styles of worship from around the world and hear from individuals who have hearts to serve the Lord.

    • Wednesday, Feb. 26 - 10:00 AM in the Gym
    • Wednesday, Feb. 26 - 8:00 PM in the Chapel
    • Thursday, Feb. 27 - 10:00 AM in the Chapel
    • Thursday, Feb. 27 -8:00 PM in the Chapel
    • Friday, Feb. 28 - 10:00 AM in the Gym

    Chapel credit will be given for attendance.


    (FREE Donuts!)

    GIF's interactive workshops give students an opportunity to gather in smaller settings in order to dig deeper in rich discussion and engage in interactive experiences to discover more about how God is working locally and around the globe. It is our prayer that these workshops will draw them into intentional prayer to determine their role in joining the Lord in what He is doing.

    • Building Hope with Children/Youth in Prison
    • Loving the Stranger
    • And, how will the deaf hear?
    • Called to Love Our Muslim Neighbors
    • Tools for Mental Well Being across Cultures
    • How Do Your Know You're Called: Unpacking God's Call & What to do WIth It
    • A Glimpse into Native America
    • Connecting With Young Adults
    • The Countless Ways God can use You to Change the World
    • Creating Connections: Building Spaces of Belonging for Teens and Adolescents with Disabilities
    • Disciplemaking Movements
    • Engaging with the Hindu, Buddhist and Shinto People
    • Art is a Global Connector
    • Game Changers: Connecting, Encouraging and Equipping Christians in Sports

    Chapel credit will be given for attendance.



    Gain perspective into the lives and experiences of people around the world by immersing yourself in another culture for a day. Featured people groups include:

    A group of approximately 10 students per site will travel to 4 different locations around the Twin Cities for a Deep Dive Experience.

    This opportunity will include 3 aspects:

    Learn – You will learn about this people group. Who are they? What is their story?

    Serve – You will serve the people you learn about.

    Experience – You will have an authentic meal and conversation with those whom you have learned from and served.

    Transportation and dinner are provided. Students must commit to the entire timeframe. Groups will depart Crown at 1:00 pm and return to campus by 7:00 pm.

    Debrief for Deep Dive Experiences will be on Wednesday at 7:15 PM in the Fireside Room


    The Culture Fest and Mission Fair highlights the myriad of cultures represented on our campus to educate and challenge the Crown community to have a global perspective. We have also invited mission organizations to share about opportunities to get involved in what God is doing both locally and around the world. We take seriously Jesus’ commands of “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19) and be His witnesses to the “ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8).



    Gather with us for a complimentary breakfast and prayer for the people groups and cultures we are learning about and celebrating this week. No cost, but RSVP is REQUIRED. Organized by SRA. RSVP here.

    Chapel credit will be given for attendance.